Why would you use tallow in body products and what are the benefits?

Why would you use tallow in body products and what are the benefits?

As we discussed in my previous post on “Using Tallow in Soap Making - the benefits of Tallow Soap”, we know that tallow, especially tallow made from locally sourced pasture raised animals, is a nutrient dense fat with high concentrations of naturally occurring non-synthetic compounds. With a molecular structure so similar to sebum, 'tallow' even translates to sebum in Latin and is loaded with essential nutrients, such as:

  • Niacin (active form of Vitamin B3)
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
  • Stearic Acid
  • Palmitic Acid
  • Omega-7
  • Omega-9
  • Fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12 

What skin products can contain tallow?

As mentioned above, tallow closely mimics the fatty acids, vitamins, micronutrients and minerals found in our skin, and applying tallow on your skin has the potential to reach deeper at a cellular level compared to many plant-based oils.

As a semi-occlusive skincare ingredient with calmative properties, tallow can be used as a balm, salve or face and body moisturiser to hydrate, heal and protect the skin. 

As a balm or salve, tallow can be used to soften skin, help wound healing, and shield against environmental damage. With softening and hydrating properties, you can even use tallow products as lip balm. 

Absorbed quickly as a moisturizer, tallow functions like a barrier cream, best used as the last step in a skincare routine or left overnight. As a barrier cream on the skin's surface, tallow may serve the purpose of a makeup primer, as no product applied afterwards will be able to penetrate the skin.

How does tallow help your skin?

1.        Tallow contains antioxidants (Vitamins A, D, K, and E) which help to protect against damage from free radicals, soothe skin injuries and helps repair damage faster.

Damage from free radicals causes our collagen to break down, which results in wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, and loose skin.

Vitamin E is often associated with soothing the skin, reducing redness and irritation, and helping skin aliments subside, whilst also playing an important role in delivering anti-ageing benefits.  This is likely due to Vitamin E’s anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to increase collagen production and stimulate blood flow to our skin.  This is great for people who may be suffering from skin irritations, scars, or dry, cracked skin and helps prevent signs of aging, keeping your skin looking smooth and firm for longer.

All the vitamins and nutrients in tallow and its compatibility with our skin, create a unique skincare base that helps your skin retain moisture, restore and protect itself, and stay firm and moisturised.

2.        Tallow has anti-inflammatory properties.

We have all dealt with inflammation and/or irritation on our skin at one point or another.  Tallow contains vitamins E, D, and K, known to possess anti-inflammatory properties. It is crucial to combat inflammation early on because prolonged inflammation and irritation causes damage to your skin. Anti-inflammatory skincare products, such as tallow, help reduce inflammation by blocking enzymes that cause disruption in the skin, helping it maintain a fresh, smooth look by protecting and reinforcing your skin barrier.

CLA and niacin occur naturally in tallow and help combat, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and dermatitis. It works for sensitive skin, even as a baby lotion.  The high concentration of CLA in tallow skincare may help with redness, irritated skin, cracked skin, and very dry skin. Tallow skincare doesn't discriminate on skin type.

3.        Tallow supports healthy skin barrier function with saturated fats and is naturally compatible with your skin's lipid barrier, and doesn’t clog pores, working with your sebaceous glands.

With a rich fatty acid composition, bioavailability of niacin, and naturally occurring vitamins A and E, tallow is effective at working with your sebaceous glands to regulate oil production, support skin barrier function, and influence an anti-inflammatory response, helping our skin to operate at its optimal capacity, improving our cells turnover, which reduces acne and skin irritation.

Stearic acid, found in other cosmetics and skincare products, is naturally occurring in tallow and helps to repair a damaged skin barrier, improving suppleness of skin. Palmitic acid retains moisture by forming an occlusive layer and helps to improve the protective barrier function of the skin. This prevents unwanted microbes and pollutants from entering. 

While tallow helps to create a protective barrier on your skin that locks in hydration, it doesn't clog pores having a low comedogenic score, because of its innate ability to mimic your skin's lipid barrier.

4.        Tallow has antimicrobial properties.

Antimicrobial products stop the spread of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Our skin is exposed to a ton of surfaces each day, and as our largest organ, it can be an ideal place for microorganisms to accumulate and grow. Antimicrobial skincare is a great way to protect our skin from these microorganisms, and it will help the product itself remain free of bacteria.

