Apologies for my absence over the last 18 months, time really does has the ability to get away from us if we do not take a moment to stop and look up. This is what has happened to me, but now I am taking time to stop and be present.
Background: So 18 months ago, I became the Matron (Director of Nursing) of my local hospital which meant that my business/blog was put on hold for the time being. In that time, I have gone through Hospital accreditation (passed with flying colours), a major flood (see photo), and of course COVID , what more can I say, .............busy!!!
Now: Five weeks ago I took the opportunity to take some leave from work and I still have another five weeks to go - woohoo!
During this time I have the opportunity to do things that give me joy. Though travel has not really been an option, I cannot travel to the UK to see my family, nor travel to NZ or interstate to see friends. So I have taken the time to stay at home and be in the moment, with my husband (Sandy), my mad dog (Denver) and my friends here in St George, a small outback town in SW Qld.
During this time I have immersed myself in gardening and cooking and now taking the opportunity to pick up my pen (laptop) to write a few lines in my blog.
Future: 2020 I think will go down in history as a year most of us will want to put behind us, however I think COVID will have changed many things in our society moving forward; employment, the importance of family and friends and of course one of my other passions, living sustainably and resiliently. I think people are more aware now of where our food, clothes, and other items we purchase, come from. It has highlighted the importance of maintaining the sovereignty of self, family, and community through ethical choices.
So with that mindset my plan for 2021 is to pick up my passion (business) once again, 'Grow, Eat, Learn' and share with my community (local and online) my experiences and knowledge, whilst also taking time for me, my family and my friends. Moving forward I will once again start to write my blog and develop my business.
Lessons learned from the last 18 months - live your life, we do not know what life has in store for us, all you can do is build your resilience, take pleasure in the small things and grow your sovereignty.
Until my next post, keep safe, but remember to live YOUR life.
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